Timezones in the palm of your hand.
Do you want to know what is the timezone of New York? ποΈ
Traveling to Rome and you need to know when to call your parents?
Want to find out informations about some specific city?
Put away your wooden clock, because now World Clock is here for you. π
World Clock is a lightweight and intuitive app that allows you to check timezones, informations and various facts for every city in the world. π
What’s inside:
β’β Check timezones for every city in the world. DST, PST (Pacific Standard Time), CET (Central European Time), (CST Central Standard Time)…We’ve got every timezone covered for you!
β’β NEW! For every city you can check a brief Wikipedia description along with useful traveling informations, weather and beautiful photos.
β’β NEW! Check the time for your favorite cities directly in the lock or home screen, thanks to the new simple and intuitive widget.
β’β Share your favorite cities and their fun facts with your friends!
β’β Check your local time whenever you want and compare it to every other city timezones.
β’β Organize your travel. For every city you can get a lot of useful information, such as sunset, sunrise, daylight duration, and more.
β’β Organize your favorite cities in the order you want, by simply drag and dropping an element, or delete a favorite city by doing a simple swipe.
The app is constantly updating, so be sure to update it frequently!
Promise we won’t let you down! π
What’s New
World Clock updates to version 1.3.6!
– Added New Widget! Now you can check out the timezones for your favorite cities from anywhere you want in the home
– Fixed minor issues
Screenshots Of World Clock – Timezones and Travel Infos Apk v1.3.6 Full
App Requirements:
Android – 4.4+
Version – 1.3.6
Size – 11 MB